
Alchemy is the tireless search for the philosophical stone, the one that can transform metal into gold. However, at Alchemy we’re not looking for gold but rather for the stone that bestows its magic on everything.

The space

A special place to work and play with big machines: a Minerva Hispania typographic printer (the crown jewel of all printers), paper cutters, wire cutters, printing presses, folders, dyers, etc.; paper-torturing devices for the delight of the executioners. And yes, it has the same name as a hard-core 80’s dive bar. That’s why we’re bouncing our heads to the beat of the music and, with our hands in the air (index and pinky fingers extended), we shout: “Oh, yeah!”


We don’t think it’s very healthy to be glued to a computer screen all day so, between bites of our apple-a-day, we spend time experimenting with hand crafted screen-printing, analog developing, book binding, work days dedicated to vinyl music, modeling and everything else that comes our way. We don’t ever want to stop getting our hands dirty or being in constant movement. We are hanging on to a not-so-distant past; one in which you had to be an apprentice before becoming a leader.


We decided that all of those projects that we made out of our love for art, or simply for the mere act of experimentation, needed to have their niche here. This is graphic work that combines different techniques, textile printing, artist books, street art, “supergordos” and weapons of moderate destruction…. All for the use and enjoyment of friends and strangers. Elements is the result of the letting the wild beast free, because sometimes in life you give into imitating art and – clearly - it can get a little out of hand.

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